The cost of printing and mailing the annual RCHS Foundation Newsletter has become quite expensive. We, the board, are wanting to lower our expenses incurred with the annual newsletter by emailing it out to as many of the RCHS alumni as we can. Here is where all of you come in. If your class has a Facebook page or another form of communicating, could you please contact your classmates and ask them if it would be okay to receive the Newsletter by email and then forward those email addresses on to one of the following email addresses?
Brandi Hollenbeck
Jan Foster
Janice Devall
Any and all help is appreciated!
The goal of the RCHS Foundation is to help as many of our graduating students with the cost of furthering their education!
Rock County High School graduates are reminded to request your scholarship funds for the 2022-2023 school year. 2022 graduates need to submit enrollment verification of at least 12 hours. Graduates of 2019, 2020 and 2021 are required to submit enrollment verification along with a transcript showing cumulative GPA of at least 2.5%. Information can be emailed to Jan Foster at, mailed to Jan at PO Box 581 Bassett, NE 68714 or given to Brandi Hollenbeck at Rock County High School.
The RCHS Foundation has been blessed by your continued support of the educational hopes and dreams of Rock County’s students, faculty, and residents. We are in awe that you have generously identified this Foundation as a secure home for enrichment and college funding for our students. THANK YOU!
In 1971, $2000 would come close to covering a year at UNL. Clearly, educational expenses continue to burden our youth and RCHS Foundation is working hard to open opportunities for students. Undergraduate enrichment has always been a goal of ours and we encourage creative ideas from faculty, students and all patrons. Music camps, FFA trips, cultural or leadership experiences are possibilities for individuals and groups who apply for this type of scholarship. Do you have an idea or desire to fund such an experience?
It is never too early to plan for graduation for specific favorite students, even 5th graders. An Adopt-A-Student account can be set up in a student’s name, and you or anyone can contribute to it all through their school years. $10 or $100. Any amount is accepted. This year these accounts earned 4%. What a wonderfully easy and thoughtful gift for a future RCHS grad!